Peto izdanje RSLA dodeliće tri mesta i polufinaliste za kategoriju škola i tri mesta i polufinaliste za kategoriju neformalnih grupa. Sve nagrade su povezane sa novčanom nagradom.
Očekuje se da će dobijena sredstva biti iskorišćena za dalji razvoj projekata uslužnog učenja u školama, nevladinim organizacijama ili omladinskim klubovima.
Nagrade u kategoriji Škole
- Prva nagrada – 500 EURA
- Druga nagrada – 300 EVRA
- Treća nagrada – 200 EVRA
For the specific topics in the School category prizes are:
- 1 special prize for Service-Learning practice that focuses on the fight against fake news – 500 EURO.
- 1 special prize for Service-Learning practice that focuses on digital literacy – 500 EURO.
- 1 special prize for Service-Learning practice that focuses on good governance – 500 EURO.
Nagrade u kategoriji Neformalne grupe
- Prva nagrada – 500 EURA
- Druga nagrada – 300 EVRA
- Treća nagrada – 200 EVRA
For the specific topics in the Non-formal Groups category prizes are:
- 1 special prize for Service-Learning practice that focuses on the fight against fake news – 500 EURO.
- 1 special prize for Service-Learning practice that focuses on digital literacy – 500 EURO
- 1 special prize for Service-Learning practice that focuses on good governance – 500 EURO.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
For the 5th edition of the RSLA, we seek service-learning practices that will show the contribution to the fulfillment of one or more sustainable development goals. This is even more important having in mind we work with students and young people thus contributing to their positive attitudes toward social change on all three levels of well-being: the planet, the community, and individual wellbeing.
Before submitting your application, please make sure you are familiar with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as adopted by all United Nations member states (available here: In the 5th edition of RSLA, we specifically focus on 3 of these goals and pay particular attention to projects addressing Media literacy, the Fight against fake news, and Good Governance as tools for sustainable development.
For more detailed information about these three topics check this document.