IMhappyZone Pact SK

Winner 2023

Club IMPACT Special, Pașcani, Romania

Determination, teamwork, and the desire to see a real change in their community made the young people of the IMPACT Special Club Pașscani Romania collect the necessary resources to set up a playground in the Pediatric Ward of the Pașcani Municipal Hospital. They wanted to make the time spent in the hospital more bearable for the little patients and to reduce the stress caused by their admission. To achieve their goal, the club members made an initial visit to the hospital, where they identified the existence of a room marked as a „playroom“, but which was actually cluttered with unused furniture, files, medical uniforms, and the like, and was in fact a storeroom. Following discussions with the young patients and hospital staff, it was decided to transform the space into a real playroom for the pediatric ward. They rolled up their sleeves and got to work: measuring, caulking, painting, assembling furniture, etc., and managed to create in the space provided a mini-library with books for all the children, a play area equipped with toys, and an area for educational activities.